The completed game is something of a rarity in the adult game / adult visual novel (AVN) space. Developers get paid monthly through Discord and/or Subscribestar to produce new content and some of them would take a financial hit if they ever...
Games where you can play through and only pursue one love interest (who is not a blood relative) from beginning to end. I am not including games where you automatically sleep around but then choose one later. Only games where you can choose...
This isn't normally my thing but sometimes it's fun to play games that are mainly about pretty girls, not much lore to follow, to important decisions to make, no real feeling at any point that anyone is in any danger or that anything bad is...
The storywriting in the AVN / NSFW game space is notoriously bad. The average game features a horny guy who is a bit of an asshole (or more than a bit) trying to have sex with anything that moves. However, not all of it is that bad. Some ga...
Li's or Love Interests are really the point of AVNs and adult games. Some of them are purely sexual interests but still qualify as a Li. Below is a list of ladies you don't want to miss. (Only ladies, sorry - I have no gay in me and couldn'...